Every once in a while Canada shows up on the US political radar. Not frequently, thankfully, given the insanity of the level of US media discourse these days. The latest episode was the Canadian government’s decision to not look at requests for grants from pro life groups for a summer jobs program. www.thestar.com/… Predictably the nut bars on the US right started screaming.
Trudeau discussed the controversy in an interview Monday with The Canadian Press.
He said he’s a Catholic who has long had to reconcile his religious beliefs with his responsibilities as a political leader and he said the latter demands that he defend people’s rights.
In this case, he said that means a woman’s right to choose trumps the right to a federal grant.
“An organization that has as its stated goal to remove rights from Canadians, to remove the right that women have fought for to determine what happens to their own bodies, is not in line with where the charter (of Rights) is or where the government of Canada is,” Trudeau said Monday.
“Certainly there is no obligation by the government of Canada to fund organizations that are determined to remove rights that have been so long fought for by women.”
It is nice to have some sanity in government policy these days.